Showing posts with label Encephalitis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Encephalitis. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

World Health Organization and Encephalitis International Launch Technical Brief on Encephalitis Amid Increasing Global Threat

Encephalitis International, a nonprofit organization, funded a technical brief recently released by the World Health Organization (WHO) in recognition of World Encephalitis Day on February 22. The brief identifies encephalitis, a life-threatening brain inflammation, as a growing global threat and urgent public health issue due to its high mortality, disability burden, and economic impact.

The technical brief outlines key actions to improve prevention, data collection, diagnostics, treatment, aftercare, awareness, and research innovation. It calls on health professionals, policymakers, and global stakeholders to take action and implement recommendations to save lives and reduce disability from encephalitis.

“Encephalitis is an increasing global threat. Without urgent attention and investment, we will see more needless deaths and disability from the condition,” said Dr. Ava Easton, Chief Executive of Encephalitis International. “The launch of this Technical Brief is a critical step toward addressing the gaps in awareness, diagnosis, and treatment. It provides a roadmap for policymakers and healthcare professionals to strengthen surveillance, improve patient care, and drive much-needed research. Encephalitis can no longer be ignored—we must act now to prevent avoidable suffering and loss.”

Sunday, February 25, 2024

New Survey Reveals Filipino Emergency Medical Professionals Often Overlook Life-Threatening Brain Condition

The disregard for encephalitis despite symptoms, coupled with low confidence in recognizing the condition, underscores the urgent need for medical training.

A new survey commissioned by Encephalitis International, the peak global body for encephalitis, reveals that Filipino emergency medical professionals often overlook encephalitis, a life-threatening neurological condition characterized by brain inflammation, despite the presence of common symptoms. Survey results showed that over half (54%) of local respondents did not consider infectious encephalitis, and three-quarters (74%) did not consider autoimmune encephalitis as a diagnosis when presented with a list of accepted symptoms for each condition. The survey findings are released in line with World Encephalitis Day on February 22, 2024.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Encephalitis Patients Are At A High Risk Of Suicide And Self-Harm

New research released for World Encephalitis Day, 22 February 2023

Suicidality can be a serious manifestation of encephalitis

37.5% of survivors of Encephalitis reported they had thought about or attempted (4.4%) suicide 

12.5% of patients had suicidal behaviours during early stages of the illness with nearly half (5.83%) carrying out a suicide attempt.

Encephalitis affects one person every minute globally, yet 77% of people do not know what it is

In many countries Encephalitis has a higher incidence than motor neurone disease, bacterial meningitis & multiple sclerosis