Saturday, November 19, 2016

Haier blasts off for 4th time with “space refrigerator”

Appliance giant takes to outer space aboard Shenzhou XI mission

Global technology leader Haier takes another giant leap for mankind by joining the Shenzhou XI launch this October. This is the company’s fourth time to join a space mission as part of research and development into aeronautic technology for commercial refrigerator applications.

“We are proud to be the only home appliance brand so far to ever reach space,” said Yutaka Itamochi, President and CEO of Haier Philippines. “Our company has gone a long way in terms of quality and innovation, and our technology is now making history thanks to space missions like Shenzhou XI.”

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Big fridge for small business

Full-size functionality with Haier’s large-capacity refrigerators

Food entrepreneurship in the last few years has branched away from the traditional restaurant model as more businesses set up at home or join food parks across the Metro. But success in this rising sector takes more than just delicious food, value for money, or even connections.

“Consumers today aren’t just picky eaters, they also look at the whole service when evaluating the quality of a food stall or restaurant,” Haier’s Product Manager for Refrigerators Jennifer Samson said. “With that in mind, aspiring food businesses should always be ready to meet customer expectations.”

Kitchen functionality is vital to quality food service, and appliances like the refrigerator play a central role in keeping the prep area organized and efficient. Unfortunately, a typical residential fridge might prove too small for storing a week’s worth of food and drinks, while a commercial refrigerator might be too bulky for a house or small stall.