Showing posts with label Hygienix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hygienix. Show all posts

Friday, September 3, 2021

Jose Mari Chan Tells Us All: Keep Hygienix in Our Hearts

The “Ber” months are here! And while we still can’t freely step inside malls or visit the parks to check out their glistening holiday decorations, leave it to local holiday season icon Jose Mari Chan to spread Yuletide cheers and remind us that there are so many things to be happy for! The most important thing, especially in the middle of this pandemic? To keep our spirits up and live life to the fullest. For Jose Mari Chan, this simply means having Hygienix, the Germ Killer, Skin Lover, always on hand so all of us and everyone dear to our hearts are safe well into Christmas and beyond.

A true Hygienix user even before the pandemic began, Jose Mari Chan has always made sure that he carries in his pocket a small bottle of Hygienix alcohol and that  his household’s weekly grocery run includes Hygienix soap and alcohol. Jose Mari Chan believes that frequent sanitizing is a must so we can effectively fight off germs. But he is also quick to add that using essentials like alcohol and soap shouldn’t come at a high cost like leaving our skin dry.