Showing posts with label LPG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LPG. Show all posts

Thursday, October 26, 2023

DOE, Solane join forces to move forward with LPG law through retailer dialogue

Solane LPG spearheaded a series of symposiums to help expedite the full implementation of the landmark law

The Department of Energy is moving to fully implement the LPG law with the active participation of industry partners. Through a series of symposiums spearheaded by LPG brand Solane, DOE directly addressed concerns raised by LPG retailers and distributors on the provisions of the LPG Industry Regulation Act.

The move comes as DOE set a July 7 deadline for LPG players to secure a License to Operate and other necessary permits to be able to operate legally.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Faulty wiring, kitchen fires, illegal LPG: 2022 fire incidents call for stronger fire prevention measures this month

Solane LPG urges the public to be vigilant and alert about keeping their loved ones safe and protected in their homes

A recent report by the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) caused alarm among the general public – fire incidents jumped by almost 13% compared to the same period last year, mostly caused by faulty electrical wiring. As March brings in the annual Fire Prevention Awareness campaign spearheaded by the BFP, the private sector amplifies government efforts by eliminating causes of tragic accidents from the source.

Solane LPG, the country’s leading LPG brand, has led 9 raids so far in different areas of the country from the beginning of the year to fight against dangerous, substandard, and illegal LPGs that may cause fires and explosions in unsuspecting households.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Embracing safety in all aspects with Verified Solane

Through the years, liquefied petroleum gas or LPG has been the staple and most sustainable fuel source for cooking. And as they become native kitchen essentials, buying them also becomes more trivial. 

Now that most are staying in their homes, choosing the right kitchen fuel has never been more crucial in ensuring safety during this new era of indoor lifestyles. More importantly, as the industry is plagued with potential risks from substandard LPGs by illegal refillers, making smart LPG choices becomes more crucial in protecting lives and properties.