Showing posts with label Pascual Laboratories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pascual Laboratories. Show all posts

Friday, October 1, 2021

PascualLab Goes Beyond Natural with WellGreens’

New Premium and Certified Organic Products & New Partner in Health

Alice Dixson starts making good choices for health; chooses WellGreens

Pascual Laboratories, Inc. (PascualLab), one of the top-of-mind pharmaceutical companies in the Philippines,¹ launches its natural food supplement brand WellGreens’ newest premium and certified organic products in a campaign and with a new partner in health.

Choose Premium and Certified Organic - WellGreens

  • WellGreens delivers the organic goodness and natural benefits of these premium ingredients in one convenient capsule:
  • Sinta – helps to lower blood sugar2 and relieve symptoms of common cold3
  • Mangosteen + Malunggay – aids in weight management4 and boosting the immune system5 and milk production in lactating women6
  • Lagundi + Cuban Oregano – helps relieve mild to moderate cough7 and for Cuban Oregano,
  • increases expectoration8
  • Turmeric – helps reduce inflammation or relieve the pain caused by osteoarthritis9
  • and alleviate exercise-induced muscle soreness10
  • Ginger – helps ease migraine,11 dysmenorrhea,12 and heavy menstrual bleeding13
  • Malunggay – benefits people with poor nourishment,14 compromised immunity,5 anemia,15 as well as lactating women6
  • Ampalaya – helps reduce blood sugar level and other risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease, such as body weight, blood pressure, and blood lipid levels.16