Showing posts with label Santé NutriPair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Santé NutriPair. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

#PassTheVitamins: New Santé NutriPair bundles, now up for grabs

Peanut butter and jelly, puto and dinuguan, burger and fries, cookies and milk, and movies and popcorn—indeed, the best things in life come in pairs, just like how Santé NutriPair gives you the best of both worlds in health. 

With the success of the #TheSanteNutriPairHabit, a movement launched last year to raise awareness and help people develop an everyday health habit—the Santé Nutripair Habit—to boost their immune systems in these uncertain times: this product bundle inspired hundreds of participants to take essential supplements, such as Santé Barley™ and Santé Daily-C so that they can keep their overall health and wellbeing.