Showing posts with label CDC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CDC. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Your Guide to a COVID-free Home

Here’s how you can ensure your family’s safety from the Omicron variant 

Once again, the Department of Health (DOH) categorized the Philippines as a “high risk” country for the COVID-19 virus*. As the number of cases spikes and the positivity rate increases by the day, there’s no doubt that the highly contagious Omicron variant plays a part. 

In response to the current situation, the government has raised the alert level status in some parts of the country and continues its vaccination efforts. And while we can further increase our body’s protection by getting a booster shot against the coronavirus, it’s vital to remain vigilant for the sake of everyone in your household.  

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Is “Water” Enough?

Disinfecting your facility need not be harmful to health, environment 

Prevention is better than cure, they say. That is why amid these uncertain times during a public health crisis, it is integral to clean and disinfect your facilities regularly to help stop the spread of COVID-19. 

When someone infected with COVID-19 coughs or exhales, that person releases droplets of fluid, which could last on surfaces and objects, such as desks, tables, and telephones, for hours. The World Health Organization (WHO) noted that people could contract the virus by touching these contaminated objects and then their eyes, nose, or mouth. They can also get the virus if they breathe in the droplets, especially if they stand close to a person with COVID 19.