Showing posts with label Clorox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clorox. Show all posts

Monday, February 28, 2022

A Clean Home is a Happy Home!

Clorox Philippines shares why a cleaning calendar is vital to keep your home neat, clean all the time 

When your surroundings at home are clean, you feel happy, motivated, and healthy. However, hearing the word ‘cleaning’ turns away eyes to avoid shouldering the responsibility as some may find it tiresome or boring.  

So, fret not as Clorox Philippines, one of the country’s leading providers of cleaning and disinfecting products, provides you a long-term solution to keep your home neat and clean all the time – a cleaning calendar. Why? Because cleaning your household can be fun and meaningful when the cleaning schedule is done right. 

To help you decide whether having a cleaning calendar is better or not, here's why it’s important to adopt in your household and encourage your family members or housemates to start doing their part when it comes to cleaning. 

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Home is where the heart is. It is no place for germs.

Pine Sol keeps your family and home safe, fragrant, and welcoming 

When we think of the home, we think of a place that is filled with laughter, joy, love, and hope. We think of a place where we find rest and peace among people we hold near and dear. Indeed, for many, home is a place that is welcoming. And nothing feels more welcoming than a home that is fragrant, clean and germ-free. 

Since the start of the health crisis, people saw their daily routines changed. And for many, changed permanently. The fear of contagion and the ensuing paranoia forced many to hunker down and stay home every day. Overnight, the home became a place of work, recreation, entertainment, and leisure. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Your Guide to a COVID-free Home

Here’s how you can ensure your family’s safety from the Omicron variant 

Once again, the Department of Health (DOH) categorized the Philippines as a “high risk” country for the COVID-19 virus*. As the number of cases spikes and the positivity rate increases by the day, there’s no doubt that the highly contagious Omicron variant plays a part. 

In response to the current situation, the government has raised the alert level status in some parts of the country and continues its vaccination efforts. And while we can further increase our body’s protection by getting a booster shot against the coronavirus, it’s vital to remain vigilant for the sake of everyone in your household.  

Friday, December 17, 2021

Clorox campaigns for better home hygiene amidst a rise in local transmission

Is your home really safe for you and your family? 

As the country’s major cities prepare to ease alert levels, people are expected to go out and converge more as opposed to the last few months, making everyone forget that the pandemic is very much around and won’t go away anytime soon. 

The Philippines' Covid-19 numbers have improved in the Metro Manila region and the transmission of the disease has slowed. According to OCTA Research, the latest reproduction number for the region, which refers to the number of persons an infected person can transfer the virus to, was at 0.99, down from 1.03.