Showing posts with label disinfection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disinfection. Show all posts

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Home is where the heart is. It is no place for germs.

Pine Sol keeps your family and home safe, fragrant, and welcoming 

When we think of the home, we think of a place that is filled with laughter, joy, love, and hope. We think of a place where we find rest and peace among people we hold near and dear. Indeed, for many, home is a place that is welcoming. And nothing feels more welcoming than a home that is fragrant, clean and germ-free. 

Since the start of the health crisis, people saw their daily routines changed. And for many, changed permanently. The fear of contagion and the ensuing paranoia forced many to hunker down and stay home every day. Overnight, the home became a place of work, recreation, entertainment, and leisure. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Is your home clean and safe this holiday season?

Create a Pine-tastic, worry-free Christmas at home with Pine-Sol Original

Last year, the pandemic stole our Christmas as if the COVID-19 virus was the Grinch. But this year, due to people’s continued compliance with safety protocols, as well as the ongoing rollout of the nationwide vaccination program, quarantine restrictions have now been less stringent, especially since health authorities record a lower number of COVID-19 cases every day. 

While everything is, in a way, now slowly going back to normal, with the holiday season just around the corner, welcoming Christmas guests is inevitable. And yes, it does not mean that we need to let our guards down since the sickness-causing virus still lurks around.