Showing posts with label Colds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colds. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Flu, Colds Season is here!

What can you do to help your immune system, overall wellbeing? 

The wet season is here! As much as we love the rain, so do the bacteria and viruses, which cause common colds and flu. While these microbes are present all-year-round, the wet and humid weather are perfect hosts for them to lurk even more. 

While it is given that you need to be extra careful during heavy downpours, especially when you are pregnant, it also pays to take note of the other measures that can help you maintain a strong immune system, which acts as your body’s first line of defense against cold and flu viruses. 

Generally, there is no cure to common colds and flu, that is why prevention is the best approach to ensure that you do not contract the viruses, which cause these illnesses.