Showing posts with label Mia Velasco-Reyes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mia Velasco-Reyes. Show all posts

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Cley’s Food Products: From Kitchen Innovation to Digital Success with TikTok Shop

What began as a labor of love in a home kitchen has blossomed into a thriving success story for Cley’s Food Products, thanks to the transformative power of TikTok Shop. Founded by Mia Velasco-Reyes, Cley’s journey began as a small home-based business with a single product: a crab paste recipe, crafted during the early months of her child Cley’s life. This humble beginning has since evolved into a testament to innovation and resilience in the digital age.

“I discovered TikTok Shop in October 2022, and it was a revelation. What started with a simple idea and a heartfelt product has grown exponentially. We’ve gone from fulfilling one or two orders a day to handling thousands,” said Mia. “TikTok Shop helped us a lot because our sales were low before. Now, our sales have increased by almost 60-70%, and we can ship to any part of the Philippines.”