Showing posts with label Pantene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pantene. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Flaunt Your Pride with Pantene

The freedom to fully express one's identity without fear of judgement is the fruit of years of fighting for equal rights and representation, and every June, we celebrate how far we've come with LGBTQIA+ Pride month.  

It takes courage to embrace your truth and tell your story to the world. That's why it's important to put the spotlight on those who have already found the courage and confidence to flaunt their pride, so that they can inspire others to do the same —  just like these strong women.  

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Is Your Current Conditioner Letting You Down? Time to Switch to Get Salon Level Hair!

It goes without saying that with the many things you’ve probably learned about yourself during quarantine, being fully aware of your surroundings is one of them. You can only do so many activities at home that even the nooks and crannies in your house are now worthy of attention. So much that you’ve probably rearranged your bedroom layout, revamped your house, DIY-ed your clothes, and have definitely done something to your hair.

Almost half a year into the lockdown, you’ve most likely noticed almost all of your hair flaws by now. And since hair salon appointments are still a thing of the unknown future, you’re probably left wondering how to deal with those pasaway strands, or more commonly known as tutchang.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Filipinos’ three most common hair problems and how to stop them

Head & Shoulders, Pantene, Rejoice join forces to launch “Stop Bad Hair Day” campaign

Experiencing a bad hair day affects more than just physical appearance, it also dampens your mood and takes a toll on your self-confidence throughout the day. In the Philippines, the most common hair concerns are stated as (1) hair fall, (2) dandruff, and (3) having great smelling hair despite the hot weather. This is why P&G, a leading global consumer goods company and owners of Philippines’ best-selling hair care brands: Head & Shoulders, Pantene, Rejoice, partners up with Shopee to launch its “Stop Bad Hair Day” themed Super Brand Day campaign. This partnership features the latest line of hair care products now made available on the e-commerce site.