Showing posts with label hair care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hair care. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Is Your Current Conditioner Letting You Down? Time to Switch to Get Salon Level Hair!

It goes without saying that with the many things you’ve probably learned about yourself during quarantine, being fully aware of your surroundings is one of them. You can only do so many activities at home that even the nooks and crannies in your house are now worthy of attention. So much that you’ve probably rearranged your bedroom layout, revamped your house, DIY-ed your clothes, and have definitely done something to your hair.

Almost half a year into the lockdown, you’ve most likely noticed almost all of your hair flaws by now. And since hair salon appointments are still a thing of the unknown future, you’re probably left wondering how to deal with those pasaway strands, or more commonly known as tutchang.