Showing posts with label Pet Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pet Food. Show all posts

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Reading pet food labels

How to choose the right one for your pet?

Pet foods in the market today are increasingly becoming more specialized, offering wide array of varieties that are based on the life stage, size, breed, or health condition of the dog or cat. However, the numerous terms and information plastered on the packaging might be overwhelming for a pet parent who is looking for the perfect food for their furry friend.

In an effort to help pet owners make more informed decisions on selecting the best food for their dogs and cats, Pet Food Institute (PFI), shares some tips in deciphering the different components that make up the pet food label. PFI is committed to educating the growing Filipino pet community on responsible pet ownership through its initiative, the Well Fed, Well Nurtured campaign in partnership with the Veterinary Practitioners Association of the Philippines.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Common pet care mistakes

Most pet owners adopt a pet for companionship. While it’s true that your furry pal is cute, cuddly and loyal, you might be overlooking at the more important things besides the love and comfort you are already providing. In some cases, first-time pet owners may accidentally commit common pet care mistakes.

Sound body and good hygiene are the most important things that should be maintained for pets. It is understandable that all your efforts are good-natured intentions to bond well with your new-found friend, but imparting care and affection are done differently with Fido or Fluffy. All it takes is an expert advice to properly nurture your pet with right the food and exercise.