Showing posts with label GlaxoSmithKline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GlaxoSmithKline. Show all posts

Friday, November 11, 2022

Experts say curbing the spread of seasonal flu virus starts at home

These often overlooked home hygiene practices are key to preventing sickness

With this year’s flu season being accompanied by slowly rising COVID-19 cases, experts remind us that staving off the flu virus typically begins with common practices that families can do at home. 

“It’s important to ensure that our personal spaces are free of transmissible diseases like the flu. Contrary to popular belief, the flu is caused by a virus different from the common cold so symptoms tend to last longer and are more severe,” says Dr. Gyneth Bibera, Country Medical Director of GSK Philippines. “Patients will experience the typical runny nose, coughing, headaches, fevers, and fatigue, but the severity can often lead to the inability to do daily tasks, the need for doctor consultations, or even hospitalizations,” she adds.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Parents’ flu-proof guide to sending their kids back to face-to-face classes

The resumption of face-to-face classes coinciding with flu season heightens the need for parents to stay on track of their children’s health and wellbeing. Increased exposure means that there must also be increased vigilance in the observance of public health and safety protocols.

"Parents are naturally on guard now that their kids are getting more face time. We’re dealing with dangerous illnesses such as COVID-19, Dengue, and Monkeypox, which happen to have flu-like symptoms," says Dr. Gyneth Lourdes Bibera, country medical director of GSK Philippines. “It’s important to remember that despite their similarities, these are all separate illnesses, caused by different viruses and having different treatments. This is why it is important to strengthen our immunity through proper nutrition, regular exercise, and eliminating the chances of catching communicable diseases by updating your vaccinations. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Sensodyne Helps Gen Z Overcome Tooth Sensitivity

Sensodyne launches new Rapid Relief that keeps up with the younger generation’s oral healthcare problem

Research has shown that as many as one in three people may suffer from tooth hypersensitivity or pangingilo, with prevalence peaking at 30 to 40 years of age 1 . But in a study, two out of five younger adults, between 18 and 25 years old 2 , otherwise known as “Generation Z” or “Gen-Z”, now experience the onset of tooth sensitivity.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Power Over Cervical Cancer: The Power to Protect Yourself and Your Dreams

We may be living in an era where women not only rule our homes, they also run the world—from being leaders in the government to managing business enterprises, women now have more opportunities to realize their dreams. 

The sad fact, however, is that every day, seven Filipino women die of cervical cancer, and may never get to complete their life goals, may be stripped of the chance to fulfill a successful career, start a family or even just find Mr. Right. All because of a disease, a kind of cancer that puts every woman at risk, regardless of race, age, lifestyle or socio-economic status.

Cervical cancer continues to be a major threat for Filipino women. It is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among Filipinas. What’s worrisome is that two in three Filipinas diagnosed with cervical cancer may die within five years. Since culturally, Filipinas are known to be caring and selfless for others but tend to dismiss concerns about themselves, those who may have contracted cervical cancer may have been diagnosed at a late stage, when the chances of recovery are slim.